He will do anything to have his stepmother all to himself, including trapping Tom (a child) in the house. Snowed-In: The film's premise revolves around Mary and Stephen being trapped in the house by the winter storm and having to survive it.

Shut in new movie movie#
Missing Mom: Tom’s mother died shortly before the events of the movie begin.A particularly egregious one is the Cat Scare mentioned above. Jump Scare: The film has a lot of these.A smaller one: Mary tries to calm down Stephen (who is clearly insane) by telling him that he's a good boy, despite being a psychologist.Somehow, neither Mary nor any of Stephen's doctors have noticed that he has been faking his paralysis over the course of several months. Happier Home Movie: The film begins with Mary watching old videos of Stephen in happier times.Green-Eyed Monster: Stephen has secretly been in love with his stepmother, and he gets jealous when she shows concern for Tom.Gory Discretion Shot: The film cuts away right before the car that Stephen and his dad are in impacts with the truck in the prologue.Downer Beginning: The film's prologue ends with a car accident that kills Stephen's father and supposedly paralyzes Stephen.Disappeared Dad: Stephen's father, who dies at the beginning of the film.Death Glare: Stephen gives Mary a chilling one at the start of the film as he’s leaving for boarding school.Cute Mute: Tom is a deaf little boy who is silent for the entire film.At one point, a raccoon jumps out and scares Mary, complete with Scare Chord. However, it then cuts to her waking up, revealing it to be a dream. All Just a Dream: At one point, Mary appears to drown Stephen for some unexplained reason.No relation to Intruders which was also released as Shut In. On top of that, strange events occur which seem to indicate that there is someone (or something) else in the house that wishes them harm, and Mary must fight to stay sane… When a deaf young boy named Tom ( Jacob Tremblay) stays with them for a while before mysteriously vanishing, Mary has to survive an approaching winter storm while trying to find him. She has to deal with the trauma of the car accident that killed her husband and paralyzed Stephen with the help of her psychologist friend Dr. Mary Portman (Watts) is a widowed child psychologist living alone with her paralyzed stepson Stephen ( Charlie Heaton) in rural Maine. Shut In is a 2016 horror/thriller film directed by Farren Blackburn of Daredevil (2015) fame, starring Naomi Watts.